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294 Properties -
Social Media Contest!

$25 Gift Certificate to Queen Street Grocery or Home Team BBQ

by sharing 3 of our Social Media Posts!


Super Simple Social Media Campaign to Celebrate Being in Business for 25 years!
We have a...

  • New Website

  • New Social Media Handles and

  • $25 Gift Certificate to Queen Street Grocery or Home Team BBQ by sharing 3 Posts!

Step 1: Follow us on Facebook or Instagram .  handles: @294properties


Step 2: Repost each one of the 3 images (shown above) from our Facebook or Instagram and include these hashtags:

  • #294properties

  • #chucktownapartments

Suggestions to include:

  • Be my neighbor, check out the company I rent from. They have apartments on Wentworth, Bull and Duncan Street that are available now.

  • Like or share my posts so we can win some #chucktown swag.

  • I live LITERALLY steps from Campus. Please share or like if you know anyone that is looking to rent downtown.

{We have #Chucktown swag for all that participate too!} 


 Details for Tenant Posting Contest

  1. Contest dates from NOW thru- June 30th

  2. $25 Gift Certificate to Queen Street Grocery or Home Team BBQ- awarded to any tenant that reposts our 3 social media posts to their own personal social FB or INSTA pages.

  3. The post must have at least 10 likes and be posted for at least 14 days to be awarded the $25 Gift Certificate to Queen Street Grocery or Hometeam BBQ

    * In order for this award to be awarded: 

  4. Posts should be live for at least 14 days and have at least 10 likes.

  5. June 30th, we will check all hashtags and mail you your $25 Gift Certificate! 


Want to win BIG?

  1. If you find a tenant for any of these 5 properties, you will win a $500 Gift Certificate to either:
    The Alley, Home Team BBQ, Blue Mercury or Target 

  2. If you have someone that is interested in one of the properties, you need to first email Dan Schmidt at so that if it is rented, you will receive the $500 Gift. Certificate once the new tenant pays their first months rent.  

  3. Deadline for Tenant Contest is June 30th, 2018


Have a Q?

Email  -




Two Nine Four Properties LLC

Tel 843-345-7814  |

© 2021 Two Nine Four Properties LLC

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