Each Tenant and parent guarantor (where applicable) are required to submit an application (click here to fill out an online application), including a $40 fee, and are subject to a credit and/or background check. Once approved, a security deposit equal to one month’s rent is required to secure your lease and at least a year-long lease commitment is expected.
Can my security deposit be used as last month’s rent?
Your security deposit is NEVER allowed to be used for any month’s rent.
Can I get a copy of my lease?
Yes, your first copy is free. Each additional copy is $5.
Are pets allowed?
Pets are only accepted with written permission from the landlord and a non-refundable pet fee is required. Any unauthorized animals found on the premises are subject to hefty fines and/or eviction.
Is smoking allowed?
Smoking is NEVER allowed at any property. Any signs of smoking on the premisses can result in hefty fines and/or eviction.
Can we burn candles, incense or anything else inside of our apartment?
Where do I mail my rent check and when is it due?
Rent is required to be payable with one check for the entire rental amount on or before the first of the month. If your check is returned for any reason, you will be charged a $75 returned check fee. If your payment is received late, you are subject to a late fee as detailed in your lease. Please review your lease for more detailed information. All payments should be made payable to 294 Properties, LLC and be mailed to P.O. Box 22494 Charleston, SC 29413.
How can we contact you?
dan@294properties.com or call (843) 345-7814 or 911 (emergencies only)
Office hours are 9am-5pm Monday through Friday. We are on call after-hours in case of an emergency. We define an emergency as potential damage from smoke or water and anything else that poses an imminent danger to yourself or the property. Being locked out, however, is not an emergency and does not fall under the responsibilities of the landlord. See below for locksmith information. If an activity is happening outside of your apartment and building that causes you to worry, please call 911, or the non-emergency police number listed below, and then call us. Your safety is of our utmost concern.
My apartment needs some repairs. What do I do?
We will promptly attend to all maintenance request in order of priority. Please email all non-emergency repair requests. In your email, please include your name, apartment and a detailed description of the problem. Emergency situations should always be phoned in ASAP (843) 345-7814. We try to provide 24 hours notice before entering your property however emergency situations, or other necessary repairs may require less notice, if any. You will be charged for repairs caused due to your negligence ie: bottle tops in a garbage disposal, things flushed down a toilet that should never be flushed down a toilet, failure to replace air filters etc…
Can I change my locks?
No. We must always be able to access your property in the case of an emergency.
Can I paint my apartment?
Changes to the property can not be made without written permission from landlord. Any changes that are authorized will have to be restored to the original condition at your expense.
What are my options if I want to move out early?
Once a lease is signed, you are responsible for the entire term of your lease as well as the entire monthly rental amount. If for whatever reason you would like to sub-lease your apartment, you must receive written permission from the landlord and you will be subject to a minimum $300 sub-leasing fee. Please review your lease for all rental terms, fees and other details pertinent to a successful occupancy.
My apartment has off-street parking. Do I need a parking decal?
Yes. Any car without a decal will be towed at the owners expense.
Where can I get an on-street residential parking sticker?
180 Lockwood Blvd. Second Floor above the DMV (843) 724-7375.
What is allowed on my porch?
Basic outdoor furniture is allowed. We ask that you maintain neat and clean outside spaces. No interior furniture is allowed to be left outside as this can be a hazard to the building as well as your safety. You will be charged for clean up of any littering on and around your property that must be removed to maintain this safe and clean living environment.